A fun gaming community where we play on-line video games as well as table top games like Dungeons & Dragons.
Paizo Announces Pathfinder Second Edition For Summer 2018
As many of us tabletop gamers know, Pathfinder began as a refinement of Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 edition. Somehow, it grew to rival that of the original fantasy tabletop game it sought to both replicate and divide from. After 10 years of Pathfinder goodness, Paizo announce that they were going to release a second, updated version of their popular system.
In the first part of August of this year, a free PDF version of the documents will be released to all the players around the world so that they can test the next version of Pathfinder. The Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook will contain 400 pages of brand new rules to check out and play. there will even be an accompanying adventure called Doomsday Dawn.
There are some bits and that can be previewed while the August 2 (the launch day of the playtest rules) looms closer and closer.
The basics are the same, but there will be plenty of cool changes. Ancestry is an example of one of the new things found within the second edition of Second Edition There will still be a plethora of choices that you can make when leveling up.
Rules have been streamlined for GMs, making monster designing on the fly easier than before.
If you want physical copies of the playtest material, it's possible to purchase them. Paizo will offer the Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook, Doomsday Dawn, as well as a two-pack of Paizo's Flip-Mats from game stores or from the Paizo website on May 1. During Gen Con, there will be limited quantities of them for sale, which takes place on August 2 to August 5 in Indianapolis this year.
Fun Things To Say in a Public Restroom
By “Richard”, Posted 21 November, 2003 on www.funny.co.uk
1. Stick your palm open under the stall wall and ask your neighbour, “May I borrow a highlighter?”
2. Say “Uh oh, I knew I shouldn’t put my lips on that.”
3. Cheer and clap loudly every time somebody breaks the silence with a bodily function noise
4. Say, “Hmmm, I’ve never seen that color before.”
5. Drop a marble and say, “Oh shoot! My glass eye!”
6. Say “Darn, this water is cold.”
7. Grunt and strain real loud for 30 seconds and then drop a cantaloupe into the toilet bowl from a high place and sigh relaxingly.
8. Say, “Now how did that get there?”
9. Say, “Humus. Reminds me of humus.”
10. Fill up a large flask with apple juice. Squirt it erratically under the stall walls of your neighbours while yelling, “Whoa! Easy boy!!”
11. Say, “Interesting….more sinkers than floaters”
12. Using a small squeeze tube, spread peanut butter on a wad of toilet paper and drop under the stall wall of your neighbor. Then say, “Whoops, could you kick that back over here, please?
13. Say, “C’mon Mr. Happy! Don’t fall asleep on me!
14. Say, “Boy, that sure looks like a maggot”
15. Say, “Darn, I knew that drain hole was a little too small. Now what am I gonna do?”
16. Play a well known drum cadence over and oven again on your butt cheeks
17. Before you unroll toilet paper, conspicuously lay down your “Cross-Dressers Anonymous” newsletter on the floor visible to the adjacent stall.
18. Lower a small mirror underneath the stall wall and adjust it
so you can see your neighbor and say, “Oooh, you might want to get a doctor to check that out”
19. Drop a D-cup bra on the floor under the stall wall and sing “Born Free.”
1. Stick your palm open under the stall wall and ask your neighbour, “May I borrow a highlighter?”
2. Say “Uh oh, I knew I shouldn’t put my lips on that.”
3. Cheer and clap loudly every time somebody breaks the silence with a bodily function noise
4. Say, “Hmmm, I’ve never seen that color before.”
5. Drop a marble and say, “Oh shoot! My glass eye!”
6. Say “Darn, this water is cold.”
7. Grunt and strain real loud for 30 seconds and then drop a cantaloupe into the toilet bowl from a high place and sigh relaxingly.
8. Say, “Now how did that get there?”
9. Say, “Humus. Reminds me of humus.”
10. Fill up a large flask with apple juice. Squirt it erratically under the stall walls of your neighbours while yelling, “Whoa! Easy boy!!”
11. Say, “Interesting….more sinkers than floaters”
12. Using a small squeeze tube, spread peanut butter on a wad of toilet paper and drop under the stall wall of your neighbor. Then say, “Whoops, could you kick that back over here, please?
13. Say, “C’mon Mr. Happy! Don’t fall asleep on me!
14. Say, “Boy, that sure looks like a maggot”
15. Say, “Darn, I knew that drain hole was a little too small. Now what am I gonna do?”
16. Play a well known drum cadence over and oven again on your butt cheeks
17. Before you unroll toilet paper, conspicuously lay down your “Cross-Dressers Anonymous” newsletter on the floor visible to the adjacent stall.
18. Lower a small mirror underneath the stall wall and adjust it
so you can see your neighbor and say, “Oooh, you might want to get a doctor to check that out”
19. Drop a D-cup bra on the floor under the stall wall and sing “Born Free.”
When Game Franchises Should Pull The Trigger
The following blog post was another old post of mine that, despite its age (first posted on August 27, 2009), holds true for the most part. Some of the games I mention, such as Tomb Raider, have been able to come back from the edge of redundancy with the two newest entries in the series. But ultimately, the idea behind this article that I wrote almost ten years ago can still hold true, regardless of the time since original publication.
Crash Bandicoot. Sonic the Hedgehog. TombRaider. Tony Hawk.
What are the simple chain that connects each one of these games? The Chain of Redundant Gameplay and Rehashed Play Mechanics. Yes, games like the ones mentioned above have all been guilty of the very same thing over the course of the last several years. These games have begun to wear out the fun, gameplay, and originality that, back in the day, made them fun, exciting, and yes, even great.
I guess we could start with the most simple of questions. Where did these games go wrong? It all depends on what game you are looking at. Take the Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater series. When the original Tony Hawk debuted to gamers in 1999 on the Playstation, it brought about, not just a new series, but made a new genre popular to video games – extreme sports. In the beginning, the game was great, it was fun, it had fresh ideas and at it’s base, it was very entertaining. Once the second and third iterations of the game came about, the same basic elements of the game stayed close to the series, despite some of the game’s newer mechanics, levels, and options. Like football games nowadays, Tony Hawk seemed to release a new version of the Tony Hawk titles once every year. After Tony Hawk 4 was released, the series began to stale as a series. Any originality that the game once held, had dropped out of the sky like a rock. Soon, the series was, bland, boring, and anything but good.
After so many sequels, the game developers of Tony Hawk never thought outside the box. They only came up with half-assed games in the series. By the time the eighth game came out, the skating genre, along with the Tony Hawk series, seemed dead. At least until another game was released. Simply called Skate. This game totally resurrected the skating game. What is sad though, is the game wasn’t even created by Neversoft. Shame on you Neversoft, shame on you. Outdone by a company in the same genre that you brought about. And on their first time out. Tsk tsk.
Looking at games like Tony Hawk, where there’s nothing really new, and the same could be said about others, like Crash Bandicoot, where there’s really nothing new about it except for a few additions here and there, you would think people would stop buying these games. Sonic the Hedgehog is a primo example of this paradox. On one hand, ever since Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast, the first 3D iteration of the series came out, the series has gone down hill. Really down hill.
I can remember going to my friends house back when I was in high school and it was the golden age of the Super NES and Sega Genesis, one of the games we’d play were his collection of Sonc games. The side scrolling speed and fast paced action of the games were great fun. It was actually FUN to play. I’d ask to play it just because of the simple speed of the whole game.
But then, doomsday hit. Sonic Adventure was born. The world went to hell. Gone were the elements that made Sonic fun. This was the day the Adventure Field was born. This was the day other retarded and unnecessary Sonic mascots entered a game that didn’t need them. Amy? Let’s smash things with a hammer. That sound fun. Big the Cat? Really? REALLY?
Ever since Sonic Adventure, every game since then has totally lost what it means to be a Sonic game. Sonic Adventure 2 tried to fix it, but added more garbage then what it took out. Sonic the Hedgehog for the Xbox 360 and PS3? Oye. Sonic Unleashed? Oh come on! Sega, you were so damned CLOSE to actually making a GOOD Sonic game in how many years? Why for pity’s sake did you have to include the horrendous werehog element? I have played this game, and it would have been pretty good if the werehog levels weren’t in the game. I actually enjoyed the daytime speed levels of the normal Sonic. It was what I imagined when the Sonic series made it’s move to 3D.
It seems like everytime Sega tries making a good Sonic game, a game that they say should be great, amazing and actually good, Sega craps up the core formula that they perfected back in the days of the Genesis! Stop adding stupid things like unnecessary animal characters and werehogs, and get back to the basics. Get back to the speed. That’s all Sonic is good for. Just take Sonic, build a few good levels that are made for speed, and let the blue blur fly.
I believe if you make a game, and then make sequels for them, it is true, if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it…..to a point. These mentioned games are proof of this. Granted, some games series continue using the same mechanics, but you know that there those games will eventually, and hopefully, come to an ultimate conclusion. Take God of War. I love those games. Really, I do. Granted, having played, and even owned all three of the available titles out there, which includes the first and second games on the Playstation 2, and Chains of Olympus on PSP, I know full well that each of these games, as some would argue, are pretty much the same. And yes, I would agree up to a certain point. I know that once God of War 3 comes out, that should be the end of the series. At least as we know it. I do hope that the character Kratos can live on in more games afterwards, but I do hope the GoW saga can truely come full circle and just stop. I don’t want them to just put out shovelware every few years in the attempts to make a few bucks. It’s like Lord of the Rings. The story came full circle, and everybody is happy. Nobody is asking for a sequel to this wonderfully told story. That’s how it should be.
But some companies just don’t get that philosophy. The first two or three games are good. And the fourth, fifth, and sixth game might be, well, enjoyable, but not nearly as good as the first set of games. I guess what I’m hoping for is that these game companies will take their established franchises and really try something new. Take the Metroid series. Now that’s a series that has done something right. Instead of just taking the same old same old and rehashing it with better graphics and sound, they went from the side scrolling 2D point of view to full first person 3D. That really added something new to the table. Very awesome indeed.
My thought on this whole issue is this. Don’t just mix a 10% of new material in with 90% of all the old stuff. I understand that, really, what makes certain games the way they are is how they are played. That, to an extent, is alright. God of War wouldn’t be God of War with out the ass kicking, chain blade throwing ass whooping that it’s famous for. But please, try to take that 90/10 ratio and try evening it out to a little closer to 50/50 please. It’s great to see a great mix of the new and the old. If not, just pull the trigger and end it right here and stop making us suffer for your lack of creativity and originality.
Please tell us your thoughts on the matter below in the comments!
Do We Need Another Verson of Pathfinder?
Now that it's been a while since the news was first released that Paizo has been working on a second edition of their popular Pathfinder game system, it's given us a lot to think about and speculate on. Many people have chimed in on the subject with their own thoughts on, whether or not it's a needed change, or not at all.
Like everything in life, the subject of this topic and debate will always be around, just like it has been with every version of Dungeons and Dragons (the debate on 4e will always be around us, mocking us, showing us the what for). And just like with life, we know that no matter how hard a person (or in this case, the company Paizo) tries, we know they can't please everybody, no matter how well received the new edition generally is.
Here's an interesting subject for the comments:
What do you think about this change and update to the current Pathfinder system? Is it something you're looking forward to? Or do you wish that Paizo hand left things as they were? Even if they had, we can't deny that the company has had their game system tested, especially with the popularity of D&D 5e. Despite some people's (not everybody mind you) dislike for 5e, based solely on it's simpler, streamlined game D20 system, you can't deny that it has gotten a lot of positive praise from it's broad consumer base. 5e's simplicity has admittedly brought many new players into the TTRPG fold. This is probably a huge reason why Paizo had to fight back, after losing some of it's crowd base to 5e.
The following is a video by Dawnforgecast, explaining both the merits and downsides of the direction that Paizo is taking.
The playtest will occur in August of this year.
Like everything in life, the subject of this topic and debate will always be around, just like it has been with every version of Dungeons and Dragons (the debate on 4e will always be around us, mocking us, showing us the what for). And just like with life, we know that no matter how hard a person (or in this case, the company Paizo) tries, we know they can't please everybody, no matter how well received the new edition generally is.
Here's an interesting subject for the comments:
What do you think about this change and update to the current Pathfinder system? Is it something you're looking forward to? Or do you wish that Paizo hand left things as they were? Even if they had, we can't deny that the company has had their game system tested, especially with the popularity of D&D 5e. Despite some people's (not everybody mind you) dislike for 5e, based solely on it's simpler, streamlined game D20 system, you can't deny that it has gotten a lot of positive praise from it's broad consumer base. 5e's simplicity has admittedly brought many new players into the TTRPG fold. This is probably a huge reason why Paizo had to fight back, after losing some of it's crowd base to 5e.
The following is a video by Dawnforgecast, explaining both the merits and downsides of the direction that Paizo is taking.
The playtest will occur in August of this year.
Daquine – A Thread Raider Being Nostalgic
Hey all of you lovely people! I thought I’d share some stuff with you in this very nostalgic blog entry on Thread Raiders! At this point, I’m not really sure where I will be taking my posts, but we’ll all find out….together!
First and foremost, I’d like to take the time to thank you for visiting, and I hope that we, as Thread Raiders can provide some fun, interesting, and perhaps even clever entertainment for everybody! I thought about perhaps wowing everybody with some incredible tid-bit or article on life, the universe and everything, but rather, I think the first post of the blog might be good to go back….go back to the past.
I was looking around on an older blog of mine (we’re talking February of 2009, almost 9 years ago) and thought I’d share the post with a new audience. It’s all about my thoughts on Saturday morning cartoons and my love for them. Oh, how I loved my Saturday morning cartoons. They were grand! Many my age will remember with fondness the awesomeness that was Saturday morning cartoons.
But fear of possibly repeating myself, I shall share with you my old nostalgic post of Saturday morning cartoons that I wrote all the way back on February 23, 2009. Here we go….
Remembering Saturday Mornings Cartoons…
I was sitting at my computer looking through some pages on the internet called “You know you’re a child of the 80’s when…” lists. I’m sure a lot of you have looked through lists like this. Even though some might be different for some of you. Instead of the 80’s, you may be a child of the 70’s or the 90’s. What ever floats your boat. But I for one, am a child of the 80’s.
Anyway, I was looking at a list, and noticed that one of the entries told about how cartoons were found ONLY on Saturdays. This made me very nostalgic. Back in the 80’s there were no cartoons being aired during the weekday,and there sure as heck wasn’t any freakin’ Cartoon Network.
As a child, I remember coming home from school on Friday, being thankful how great it was that the weekend was finally here. Not only was it a break from the “horrors” of school, but I knew that tomorrow morning, I was going to get up at the butt crack of dawn and watch my Saturday morning cartoon! It was great. It was an absolute staple of my childhood, as I’m sure it is with many other kids of my era. Watching shows like He-Man and Thundercats…wow.
Not long ago, I thought I would look through the TV listings and see what sort of shows kids were watching on Saturday mornings. Needless to say I was just floored. Most of the shows were either absolute crap, or shows you could catch during the weekdays. The greatness was gone. The excitement of waiting all week just to watch several hours worth of cartoons was gone. Oh, what has this world come to? I realize that is over-dramatic, but in some ways, it just feels wrong when I look at the stuff kids are watching nowadays on their Saturdays. The excitement and coolness is gone.
First and foremost, I’d like to take the time to thank you for visiting, and I hope that we, as Thread Raiders can provide some fun, interesting, and perhaps even clever entertainment for everybody! I thought about perhaps wowing everybody with some incredible tid-bit or article on life, the universe and everything, but rather, I think the first post of the blog might be good to go back….go back to the past.
I was looking around on an older blog of mine (we’re talking February of 2009, almost 9 years ago) and thought I’d share the post with a new audience. It’s all about my thoughts on Saturday morning cartoons and my love for them. Oh, how I loved my Saturday morning cartoons. They were grand! Many my age will remember with fondness the awesomeness that was Saturday morning cartoons.
But fear of possibly repeating myself, I shall share with you my old nostalgic post of Saturday morning cartoons that I wrote all the way back on February 23, 2009. Here we go….
Remembering Saturday Mornings Cartoons…
I was sitting at my computer looking through some pages on the internet called “You know you’re a child of the 80’s when…” lists. I’m sure a lot of you have looked through lists like this. Even though some might be different for some of you. Instead of the 80’s, you may be a child of the 70’s or the 90’s. What ever floats your boat. But I for one, am a child of the 80’s.
Anyway, I was looking at a list, and noticed that one of the entries told about how cartoons were found ONLY on Saturdays. This made me very nostalgic. Back in the 80’s there were no cartoons being aired during the weekday,and there sure as heck wasn’t any freakin’ Cartoon Network.
As a child, I remember coming home from school on Friday, being thankful how great it was that the weekend was finally here. Not only was it a break from the “horrors” of school, but I knew that tomorrow morning, I was going to get up at the butt crack of dawn and watch my Saturday morning cartoon! It was great. It was an absolute staple of my childhood, as I’m sure it is with many other kids of my era. Watching shows like He-Man and Thundercats…wow.
Not long ago, I thought I would look through the TV listings and see what sort of shows kids were watching on Saturday mornings. Needless to say I was just floored. Most of the shows were either absolute crap, or shows you could catch during the weekdays. The greatness was gone. The excitement of waiting all week just to watch several hours worth of cartoons was gone. Oh, what has this world come to? I realize that is over-dramatic, but in some ways, it just feels wrong when I look at the stuff kids are watching nowadays on their Saturdays. The excitement and coolness is gone.
Pathfinder 2nd Edition and Pathfinder Playtest NEW GAME MECHANICS!
Just like many games before it, this new version of Pathfinder includes brand new game mechanics that will help bring about a whole new world of Pathfinder gameplay.
But will this new version of the game be loved, or reviled, for changing up the classic Pathfinder ruleset? I'm sure a number of players will enjoy the fresh look on the 10 year old system, while there will undoubtedly be those who will shun it, but that's all part of updating a beloved ruleset. You can't please everyone, but you can sure try!
In the following video by Take20, you'll get to watch a video describing some of the new things coming out for the Pathfinder Playtest!
Personally, I'm really excited to try it when it comes out. Rest assured, when the finished product releases, I'll be buying up my own copy for sure!
The Newest Dungeons And Dragons Book To Release - Mordenkainen's Tome Of Foes!
For anybody in the Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) community, we are always going to follow what Wizards of the Coast, the owner of world famous table top RPG, is going to be doing next. In this case, the next big release that they are going to be sharing with the world is Mordenkainen's Tome Of Foes!
Similar to Volo's Guide To Monster's, Mordenkainen's Tome Of Foes will focus on Mordenkainen and the world of Greyhawk. The book covers game stats for a number of new monsters, demons, devils, duergar, elves, and many others.
The book is set to release on May 29th of this year. I'm quite excited about it, as I've already pre-ordered my copy. I hope to make a book review and look through when I finally get the book! It'll be on my YouTube channel, Daquine Gaming!
Similar to Volo's Guide To Monster's, Mordenkainen's Tome Of Foes will focus on Mordenkainen and the world of Greyhawk. The book covers game stats for a number of new monsters, demons, devils, duergar, elves, and many others.
The book is set to release on May 29th of this year. I'm quite excited about it, as I've already pre-ordered my copy. I hope to make a book review and look through when I finally get the book! It'll be on my YouTube channel, Daquine Gaming!
How Large Can A Mimic Get? My Thoughts
In many forms of entertainment, such as tabletop games, video games, amongst others, we recognize a wide menagerie of creatures, monsters, and enemies that a hero or group of heroes has to overcome. Such enemies include the classic street thugs of the classic video game, the wizards and orcs of tabletop games, such as Dungeons and Dragons, and many others.
But there is one type of monster that is, with a good mix of creativity, can be both really fun and equally horrifying to play against. That monster is the mimic.
We both love and hate this creature, because it is both awesome, with it’s great teeth filled maw, and love of deceiving us with it’s seemingly harmless shape when we first encounter it. The mimics that I’m referring to will be the ones we typically come across in Dungeons and Dragons. Most mimics in other forms of media and entertainment can be included as well I suppose, but I want to talk specifically about the ones found in the classic tabletop game.
The reason for this is, most other forms of media where they are found are usually one type of object – a treasure chest. Those are great and classically sinister versions of the creature, but that’s the problem, that’s the only form we typically ever see, a lot of times, even in D&D. I’ve come across a variation or two of the mimic during my time playing the game, such as barrel mimic. That was always fun, but really, it’s still fairly close to the classic chest that a mimic, well, mimics.
About six months to year ago, I started thinking of all the different and fun types of mimics you could possible come across, such as the barrel mimic, but I soon wanted more. I began scouring the interwebs for some awesome image of the hungry, tooth-filled creature, and found quite a few. But of course, the most common type was – you guessed it – the treasure chest. I wanted more.
I had been playing a lot of Dark Souls, and encountering my fair share of mimics, and with that in mind, I began looking for Dark Souls mimic through Google image search. Low and behold, I ended up finding some pretty kick as images of mimics I never would have thought of. I found some sample art of ladder mimics, bonfire mimics, amongst others. It was a scary thought that there could be a larger variety of the mimic out there.
That got me thinking – if a mimic could take the shape of so many different types of objects, what else could it be, and more importantly, how large could they get? The initial thought was pretty spooky, as a large, or monstrously sized mimic could be a horrific thing to take on. If there was such a large mimic out there to encounter in the world of D&D, how creative could you be when creating one? How large could they get?
As I began thinking about it, a wonderful idea sprang to mind late last year, before Halloween, I wanted to run a game for the scariest time of year. But what should I do? Should I do the classic haunted house? A gothic setting with werewolves or vampires? Naw. I settled on a fun idea – a game were I would lead my players though a house full of several types of mimics, such as rugs, ovens, and even a giant pipe organ, and they’d have to find their way out with their lives intact. But there was a catch. It wasn’t just a house of mimics, oh no. How would anybody get a bunch of mimics together in the same place, let alone in the same building? You’d have to have a death wish to get that many of them in one spot.
I figured that the house wasn’t just an ordinary house. The house itself was a giant mimic. To be specific, it was a it was a Mimic Hive. It was both mother and caretaker to all the smaller and younger mimics found within itself. It was an older creature, something that had found a way to live throughout the years, and grow beyond the size of a typical item like a barrel or a chest. It had earned the right to be as large as it was, and have mimic children of its own (mimic children – that thought made me laugh as I wrote it).
But I don’t think it should stop there. Why would the size of a mimic need to end at the size of a house or typical building? I want to think bigger, grander than that. What about a fortress or castle mimic? Could you imagine, an entire castle, which could be inhabited with people, as mimic? What would it look like if it came alive? How powerful would a monster of that size be? But let’s get even larger than that. Much, much larger.
What about something the size of a landmass, or even the planet itself? How would something like this even exist? I’m not sure how it would work, but I can imagine that a planet sized mimic would be similar to the head of Unicron from Transformers. It would be the mimic devourer of worlds, and we would just be parasites living on the skin of that mimic.
I’m sure that the logistics of a mimic the size of a landmass, such as a continent, or even a mimic who IS the planet, would be scoffed at by many, saying it may not be logical even from a fantasy standpoint, but I think it could be something for people to look into if they wan’t to inject something fun or different into their game.
What are your thoughts on this? How large would you take your mimics? Would they be larger than even a planet? How would it work in this case? Let me know!
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